Malissa's Previous Posts and Stories.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Here we go!! (coming March 2017)

Even if a baby is expected, it's still a pretty big shock. You're in it for the long haul, no matter what comes your way.

Well, we found out June 25th 2016, that second baby Cochran is on it's way, and it's no less of a shock than the first time around!

Mark taught Elders Quorum yesterday and the topic was Faith. I'm certain The Lords hand was in constructing that, because this week more than ever, we needed the reminder.

While dating, Mark and I talked about how we both wanted a big family. I remember asking him for the first time, how many kids he wanted and his answer was however many God wanted him to have. His answer matched mine and I knew, right then and there, that I would be marrying this Man.

I've always had some very strong opinions on birth control and any kind of contraceptive. So instead of relying on man-made prevention we decided to put our trust in God, His timing and His plan for us and our family.

One of the blessings from this belief, aside from not running into fertility complications due to birth control, is our increased Faith. Expecting a second child and knowing that it's His will for us to raise two choice spirits so close in age, is an honor.

It has taken a lot of Faith this week because a second child does not seem logical. We already have a 4 month old and our financial situation is not the greatest. The thought is completely overwhelming and I've been more worried about what certain friends and family are going to say that it overshadowed my excitement.

After our Sabbath Day yesterday, I'm able recognize that those thoughts are of Lucifer and my Faith has been renewed, refreshed, and I am reminded of the eternal perspective of families.

We don't have much time until Jesus Christ comes again, I don't have time to "space" my children according to the worlds timeline, or wait until we're financially set. I need to get every member of my family here on this side, no matter how fast or how insane we seem to the outside world. Our Cochran family has an important work to do and I'm excited.

Just my
Heeeere weeee goooo!!
(Coming March 2017)

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